Our Values and the Curriculum
Our Values and the Curriculum
Wave Trust Academies are unique in character, context and cohort; but united in common purpose.
Whether a behaviour APA, Medical APA or Special Education APA; whether Primary, Secondary or Cross Phase provision; whether short stay provision or a permanent placement, our curriculum is underpinned by the following:
Our Mission Statement
We are committed to progressing the social, emotional and academic outcomes for all of our pupils to enable them to achieve their true potential.
Our Vision
To significantly change pupil lives for the better
Our curriculum is underpinned by our WAVE values, which also serve as powerful and unique drivers for our curriculum:
Be positive: We have the highest expectations of what our pupils are capable of, no matter what their starting points, and no matter how many fresh starts. Through our Curriculum offer, we will strive to develop unique talents; build confidence; aspiration; attainment and at KS4, also qualifications.
Show empathy: We seek first to understand, then to be understood. Through our curriculum, we will develop empathetic learners who have an awareness, understanding and are considerate of themselves; their peers; our communities; as well as of the world around us all.
Have respect: Our curriculum will support of students to respect themselves, each other and teach an understanding and awareness of diversity.
Work as one team: Our curriculum gives our students opportunities to work collectively together, through opportunities to talk, listen, and create. We will draw on every opportunity for learning, both planned and unplanned, to develop pupils’ ability to reflect, engage and relate positively to one another.
Be inclusive: We will strive to ensure our curriculum is accessible and meets the needs of all our learners. Not one size fits all, but skilfully adapted to meet individual need and SEND/SEMH need.
Our Curriculum Will..
Our Curriculum Will..
- Be engaging, enjoyable, and enriching so that pupils enjoy coming to school where they feel safe and ready to learn
- Be rich and varied, in line with our Trust Core Offer, to enable pupils to access a wide range of academic and vocational learning opportunities as well as opportunities for curriculum enrichment. We will make intelligent choices about curriculum content, so that we do not sacrifice quality in the drive for ‘coverage’.
- Be ambitious-high expectations that all pupils can achieve. All pupils will have the offer to sit 4 GCSE qualifications (in English, English Language, Maths, Science and at least 1 other GCSE subject or BTEC Level 2),as well as other L1/2 academic and vocational qualifications so that pupils are not disadvantaged and leave us with qualifications to enable them to take their next steps. In Special APA, there may be some variation in Level 1/2 awards and accredited courses appropriate to academic ability.
- Be relevant and dynamic-understanding each pupils' unique starting points, and help them reengage with learning and prepare them effectively for the next stage in their educational journey whether reintegrating to mainstream, moving on to a specialist placement, staying with us, or accessing Post 16 education.
- Be enabling and nurturing-through placing value on social aspects of learning; our small group provision, addressing SEND and SEMH needs, our curriculum will be accessible and needs driven. * see SEN policies
- Curriculum Policy
- Contact details for Wave Trust Curriculum, please email the individual Principal - check out the Academy websites - or email Lucy Holloway c/o
Academy Curriculums
Academy Curriculums
Click the links below to read more about each academy curriculum: