The Chief Executive Officer of the Multi Academy Trust will ensure that the MAT meets its obligations in discharging the Local Authority’s statutory duties with regard to Section 19 of the 1986 Education act (the full time education of permanently excluded, medical and other pupils).
Glendinning Academy Referrals
Glendinning Academy Referrals
Glendinning Academy is a special school providing 120 places for boys and girls in the age range 7 to 19, who have a primary need of social communication and interaction including those on the Autism Spectrum, whose needs cannot be met within a mainstream school due to environmental factors.
Our Learners should be capable of accessing a mainstream curriculum with appropriate environmental adaptations. For a child to be admitted the school must be named, by a local authority, in the child’s Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). Parents wishing their children to benefit from the provision at Glendinning Academy should specify this to the Local Authority when their child’s EHCP is being discussed.
As a new academy, growth will be staggered across the first 3 to 5 years. There are 54 places in the first year of opening, for pupils in year groups 3 to 8. In the second year the pupils will range from year 3 to year 9 and we will have 90 places available.
For an informal discussion please contact the academy.
Cornwall Referrals
Cornwall Referrals
Referrals to Wave are made through the Pupil Support Panel.
Please contact the academy Senior Administrator to discuss referral at your local academy.
When considering the placement of pupils into an academy, the panel must consider not only the appropriateness of the placement for the pupil referred but also the effect the placement will have on the wider group. The decision of the academy Principal as to the suitability of the placement in their academy will be the determining factor over placement in any particular academy.
ÌìÃÀapp work with the Local Authority regarding Referrals and placements at our Alternative Provision Academies. Please follow this link to . Phone number 01872 324298 Email
Community Hospital and Education Service Referrals
Community Hospital and Education Service Referrals
The Community Hospital Service is an interim provision for children who are unable to attend school for medical reasons. We aim to reintegrate all pupils at the earliest opportunity. Referrals for CHES should be made by the registered mainstream school supported by a referral from a relevant medical professional. Referrals Forms Relevant medical professional include:
- Member of Community Pediatrician Team
- Hospital Consultant
- Clinical Psychologist
- Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
- CAMHS Senior Practitioner
For further information please visit the CHES page of this website.
Torlands Academy Referrals
Torlands Academy Referrals
Torlands Academy is an interim provision for children who are unable to attend school for medical reasons. We aim to reintegrate all pupils at the earliest opportunity. Referrals to Torlands should be made by the registered mainstream school supported by a referral from a relevant medical professional. Relevant medical professional include:•
- Member of Community Paediatrician Team
- Hospital Consultant
- CAMHS Senior Practitioner
- Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
- Clinical Psychologist
Referrals should be made to the Inclusion Team at Devon County Council
For further information please visit the Torlands page of this website.